
Friday, March 13, 2015

Brief Reactive Psychosis: A Personal Insight

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It’s hard to get a grasp of what a psychotic episode entails and increase the public’s awareness of it until you can get a first-hand account from someone who has personally been through such an ordeal, and who is willing to share their experiences with the world. The link below leads to an interview which I hope will do just that.

Eve is an incredibly brave 20 year old woman who has just recovered from an episode of Brief Reactive Psychosis. In the interview, she describes the stresses in her life that provoked the episode, how she dealt with the ordeal and the importance of her family supports and seeking #HELP which allowed her to get through this difficult stage in her life.

The full interview with Eve can be read in these links:

Part 2


(1) Purse, M.  Crashing Into Psychosis: Brief Reactive Psychosis - An Inside Story.” [Internet.]; 2013 [updated 2013 December 10; cited 2015 March 15.] Available from:

(2) Purse, M.  Returning From Psychosis: Life After Brief Psychotic Episode”. [Internet.]; 2013 [updated 2014 June 25; cited 2015 March 15.] Available from:

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